如何回答"why understanding,appreciation and respect is important"

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 16:44:14

Understanding, appreciation and respect build the foundation of effective communication.

Understanding is to put one's feet in the shoes of the others and feel what the other feels, appreciation is to be grateful for the help or assistance that have been recieved, and respect is to honor and recognize the values of the others.

All of these ideas emphasize on the dealing attitude with the others. In other words, it pulls people out of the self-concerned thinking.

Understanding, appreciation and respect is not only an attitude, it is also a culture. If ever it could be practiced by each individual in the society, the society will consequentially be filled with a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere.


题目的意思是 为什么理解,感激与尊重是重要的

